Monday, April 25, 2011

Part V: Nutritionist & Turning Point

On my first visit to the pelvic health center they suggested that, in addition to going to treatments at their facility, I see a nutritionist and a psychologist. They explained their center uses an holistic approach to healing. After I got past the "so you think I'm fat and crazy" reaction (sorry, but this is really how I felt at first), I realized that it couldn't hurt for me to follow their advice. It could even be a good thing.

I have lost 14 pounds since February, 8, 2011. That's 14 pounds in 11 weeks! What's even better is that I have not been on a diet of deprivation (i.e., starvation), nor have I had to go hungry or eat just small bits of "rabbit food" (i.e., tiny salads). I am eating as much food as I want (without overeating), and I am still losing weight. The trick is that I have changed what I eat.

As I mentioned in a previous post, PCOS and Pre-Diabetes, I was diagnosed with insulin resistance in January as a result of my PCOS. I started taking a medication called metformin to help with the condition, but I did not really see any results after a month.

Even before my first appointment with the nutritionist, I started a new diet program in February (they actually call it a "lifestyle change") through my work. The basic concepts I took away from the program were to:
  • cut sugar intake -- no sugar in the first few weeks of the program, then in moderation after that; when having anything with sugar, it must be with a meal that includes protein (this helps the blood sugar and insulin levels from spiking)
  • eat protein at every meal -- protein will keep you from feeling hungry for longer periods of time
  • keep the size of your stomach in mind -- while the program did not focus on portion control, it explained that the human stomach is naturally about the size of a loosely held fist; somehow knowing my stomach really isn't that large keeps me from eating too much
  • eat more slowly -- eating slowly will naturally cause you to eat less because your brain will feel satisfied sooner
  • stop eating when satisfied -- which is before you have overeaten
The program lasted 10 weeks, so there are many more concepts that were covered; however, the ones I listed are the ones that have stuck with me. What made this particular program so doable was that it did not tell you specifically what to eat or not to eat (other than the sugar thing). Just cutting sugar (desserts, sweetened snacks, sodas, sports drinks, and anything else with sugar added),  allowed me to lose four (4!) pounds in the first week alone.

I saw my nutritionist a couple weeks after I started the above program. He agreed that I should not be eating any sugar. He also strongly believed that many of my problems were rooted in gluten sensitivity. Though skeptical at first, I embarked on a gluten-free and casein-free diet. (See my post Gluten-Free Me?! And Casein, Too? to read about the start of my gluten-free diet.) In my second appointment with the nutritionist, he gave me a personalized diet and supplement plan.

The main points I've taken away from my nutritionist's plan for me are:
  • No gluten
  • No casein (milk-derived products, including butter, creamy dressings and sauces, etc.)
  • No sugar -- in addition to the obvious, this includes fruit drinks, fruit jams/jellies/preserves, and random food items with sugar added (reading food labels is more important than it used to be); I am allowed to have dessert about half a dozen times per year on very special occasions (such as my birthday, my husband's birthday, and special holidays)
  • Eat more veggies and less fruit -- fruit contains so much sugar that it can act like a dessert and spike sugar and insulin levels; if I eat fruit, it is always as part of a meal along with a protein and healthy oil
  • Eat the three macronutrients at every meal or snack -- protein, healthy oil high in omega-3's (like olive, almond, or avocado), and a complex carbohydrate (like spinach, other veggies, beans, etc.)
  • Take supplements -- he gave me a pretty extensive list, but the most significant change was to take huge amounts of pharmacy-grade omega-3 fish oil (interestingly, I was already taking most of the supplements the nutritionist recommended; I will list my current supplements in a future post)
Because of my huge improvement in the way I feel, I have no doubt that I needed to go gluten and casein free. I have much more energy and am the closest to feeling truly healthy than I have ever felt since getting sick with CFIDS about ten years ago. I never imagined that just changing the way I eat would help me so much.

Embarking on this "extreme diet" has been easier than I anticipated. Don't get me wrong, it's been challenging and sometimes maddening; but it's been worth it. I think I was just so desperate to start feeling better and so tired of being sick and tired for so long, that I was ready and willing to make such a big life change. It took me about 8 weeks before I started to feel a big difference, and now that I am seeing so much improvement, I don't want to stop. I see the light at the end of the tunnel. For the first time in a long time, I am starting to believe that I will get better.

Interestingly, because my genetic test showed that I had two copies of a gluten sensitivity gene, it meant that both my parents gave me the gene. I told my parents about my results, and they decided to go gluten-free, too. Incidentally, they are feeling better on a gluten-free diet.

I can't say that my healthier eating habits have directly helped my vulvodynia, but they have certainly helped so many other aspects of my health. I'm amazed.


upnorth said...

Nice! I have been wheat free for 6 years now and at least for digestive issues, I feel much better off the wheat. I think there is a connection between gluten sensitivity and M.E./CFS because almost every single person I know with M.E./CFS is gluten free.

alyson said...

Great, upnorth! When I think about being off gluten and casein (and sugar for the most part) for the rest of my life, I get intimidated. It's good to know that you're six years in and still keeping off the wheat. I'm sure I'll have a slip-up here and there, but I feel so much better off than on that I just can't go back to my old way of eating.

Treya said...

I'm happy that you're having success and that you aren't feeling too deprived.

I have been in therapy for the last two years on and off with a very understanding lady who has ME herself. I have found the support extremely comforting.

Best of luck!!! You sure have had a tough run of it. : )

alyson said...

Hi Treya! It's nice to be able to talk to someone about my issues, though I have had to do some teaching about ME/CFS. At least she's willing to learn!

My last therapist turned out to be a complete disaster. I chose her because she had fibromyalgia; I thought she, of all people, would understand what I was going through. In one session, I brought up the vulvodynia. She pretty much blamed me for it and said that I if I didn't do something about it, I would be responsible for ending my marriage. Yikes! I'm glad to be on the right track now.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I haven't commented in a while. Been doing poorly.

I'm so glad to hear of the wonderful results your are having.

I just recently went gluten free and haven't found it too difficult either.

I'm so happy to hear that you are feeling the best you have in a long time.

Good news is always a wonderful thing in our lives!

alyson said...

Hi Dominique, I'm sorry I'm responding sooooo late to your post. I missed it somehow. I hope you are doing better than when you posted this comment. Good luck with the gluten free thing!