Saturday, August 8, 2009

Research Alert: CFS Genetic Study

I learned about a CFS genetic research study at the University of Illinois at Chicago through Sue Jackson's blog. This is one of the studies I mentioned in yesterday's post.

Here are her entries about the study:
I contacted the research assistant Caitlin Smith at to volunteer for the study. If you prefer the phone, you can call 312-339-5257.

I don't know if I'll be accepted, but it's worth trying!

Today's Activities: home. Today's Most Annoying Symptoms: exhaustion, mild headache, pain in neck lymph nodes; active eczema on left and right underarms, left hand, and right ankle.

Mood (10 is best): 6
Energy (10 is best): 2
Physical Discomfort (10 is worst): 5

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