Saturday, August 1, 2009

Research Alert: Georgetown CFS Study

Do you or does someone you know live near Washington, DC?

Georgetown University is currently conducting a research study called "Proteomics of Cerebrospinal Fluid in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome."

They are recruiting both CFS patients and healthy individuals between the ages of 21 to 65 who are willing to undergo a lumbar puncture (a.k.a. spinal tap).

It's my understanding that they are in need of more healthy subjects. I just emailed the contact person, volunteering for the study. I don't know if I'll be accepted (since I obviously don't fall under the "healthy" category) but it's certainly worth trying!

Here is the official link about the study from the NIH's Clinical page.

A quote from someone participating in the study:
The Georgetown University located in washington Dc is conducting a very important study reguarding CFS. They have identified a specific set of proteins found in the cerebral spinal fluid in patients with CFS. These proteins are not found in healthy people and maybe the actual pathology of this disease itself.Upon enrollment I was informed that they are in desperite need of healthy control subjects that are WILLING TO HAVE A LUMBAR PUNCTARE PERFORMED. My girlfriend has agreed to participate with me. I am urging each and every one of you to try to recruit a healthy volunteer as these findings may very well lead to a cure of this horrific illness. Study participeints will be required to stay in the hospital for a total of three days where they will undergo testing and will be paid in the amount of $400.00 for their time. I will post a link below for those of you who maybe interested. Remember, it is up to us to make a difference! Lets solve CFS!!!
Thanks to cfswarrior for posting info about this research study yesterday.

Today's Activities: home. Today's Most Annoying Symptoms: exhaustion, mild headache, active eczema on left armpit, left hand, and right ankle.

Mood (10 is best): 7
Energy (10 is best): 3 (after sleeping all day), 2 (most of today)
Physical Discomfort (10 is worst): 3

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