Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Fresh Start (for my blog)

I've been feeling particularly frustrated with doctors (two, in particular) the past couple of days, so I thought I'd cheer myself up by sprucing up my blog. Unfortunately, my brain fog is pretty thick right now, so I've made a few mistakes.

In trying to rearrange some the layout of my blog, I accidentally deleted some things I didn't mean to delete. If I deleted your blog (or if you blog about ME/CFS or epilepsy and it's not listed), please respond to this post with your blog address.

If you notice anything else that's missing, just let me know. Thanks!


dominique said...

Alyson - First of all, I love the new look! It feels like spring just walked through the door! So light and airy! Beautiful!

I'm not sure if I was on your blog roll previously, but either way, I would love to be added if you so choose.


4 Walls and A View

alyson said...

Thanks, I'll be sure to add your blog!

Jessica said...

Would love it if you would add my blog -- www.livingwellwithepilepsy.com.

I'm about to jump on and become one of your followers too.
