Monday, August 10, 2009

Research Alert: Chronic Illness Survey

I'm happy to be posting another research opportunity! The University of Michigan's Center for Managing Chronic Disease and Advocacy for Patients with Chronic Illness, Inc. were awarded a grant by the NIH to study how people handle chronic illness. I can't remember exactly how I found out about this survey, but it happened when I was surfing the web this weekend.

Here are the links that explain the study:
Here is the link to the survey itself:
If you suffer from chronic illness or are the family caregiver of someone with chronic illness, then you can take the survey.

This survey is REALLY long (i.e., at least 50-60 minutes) and asks detailed questions that require equally detailed answers, so only take it when you have the stamina. If you run out of steam partway through (which I did), you have the option to save your work and have them email you a link to the survey so you can continue it later.

Today's Activities: work. Today's Most Annoying Symptoms: exhaustion, mild headache, asthma attack; active eczema on left and right underarms, and right ankle. After some serious resting for most of the weekend (except when I got my haircut), I managed to avoid a major crash.

Mood (10 is best): 7
Energy (10 is best): 3+
Physical Discomfort (10 is worst): 3

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